Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Staveley Miners Welfare Ladies Football Club.

Staveley Miners Welfare Ladies FC started life in 2012 as an offshoot of the main clubs genuine desire to be a fully inclusive community club. Their first season in the Sheffield and Hallamshire Womens County Football league Division 2 proved to be a baptism of fire as the team finished bottom of the division but did manage 3 wins. That steep learning curve provided much needed, knowledge and experience and resulted in a much improved second season which saw the Ladies win 10 of their 14 games, finish second in the league and ultimately gain promotion to the top division in the County.

Presently they are looking to consolidate their place in that top division and build a platform for more success in the future... check out the current season by clicking -  HERE

In keeping with that aim the club are always on the lookout for new players so...

... If you're aged 16 or over and are available for training on a Tuesday night and for playing matches on a Sunday afternoon then please get in touch via their Facebook page by clicking the picture at the top or by calling Teresa Oliver on 07854 224932.

Thank you

Photo credit:Rob Waite.
Staveley Miners Welfare FC
Inkersall Road
S43 3JL