Friday, 3 July 2015


"By the Community For the Community"

A football blog following the fortunes of Staveley Miners Welfare. A Community Club from North Derbyshire, England (J29a M1) established in 1989 from a Sunday side wishing to try its luck at 3pm on Saturdays, and which currently plays at Step 5 in the non-league pyramid, in the Toolstation Northern Counties East League Premier Division.

Although there is an "about me" section this blog isn't "All about me" so if you've got any CONSTRUCTIVE comments about the games, this site or anything Staveley related then give the "contact" form down the right a whirl.


Boring disclaimer time: - Whilst every effort will be made to keep this up to date I do have a day job starting at 6am till ??? where the Internet hasn't been invented. so please check the official channels especially for postponed games and fixture likes travelling unnecessarily.